Wildlands offers gopher tortoise survey, relocation, and recipient site services. We are committed to ensuring that gopher tortoise work is conducted thoroughly and professionally to protect gopher tortoises and commensal species across the state.
Our goal is to provide exceptional permitting services, carried out with industry-leading expertise and efficiency. Our staff are Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agents and have over 50 collective years of experience in gopher tortoise conservation including ecological and policy research, permitting, relocation, habitat management, monitoring, and training.
Our team devotes great effort to champion gopher tortoise conservation; our staff are members of the Gopher Tortoise Council Executive Committee, provide input on the Gopher Tortoise Technical Assistance Group (GTTAG), and educate the public and professionals by providing Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent Training certified by FWC.
We provide all services related to gopher tortoises including:
Capture and Relocation via Mechanical Excavation, Bucket and Live Trapping, and Hand Shovel Excavation
Recipient Site Permitting and Monitoring
Identification of Potential Recipient Sites
Tortoise Population and Vegetation Monitoring
Line Transect Distance Sampling (LTDS) Surveys and Burrow Scoping
Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent Training Courses
To learn more about the laws and regulations protecting gopher tortoises in Florida, visit the FWC Gopher Tortoise website.

For more information on gopher tortoise conservation, email Wildlands at info@wildlandsconservation.org.
Gopher Tortoise License Plate
Wildlands Conservation is now accepting orders for the specialty gopher tortoise license plate. In order to bring awareness to the plight of the gopher tortoise, we have created this specialty license plate and will use the generated funds for gopher tortoise habitat conservation, habitat management, education, and research. With your help, we can help protect gopher tortoises and their upland habitat.
The gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) is a threatened species in the state of Florida, primarily due to loss of upland habitat. A keystone species, gopher tortoises dig burrows that are used by more than 360 other animal species, including some that live nowhere else.
Inspired by wildlife rehabber Chelsey Vowles, the idea for the plate formed after she witnessed countless gopher tortoises being killed and injured while trying to cross the road. Chelsey’s passion for healing and helping tortoises was the spark necessary to get the license plate started

Wildlands is working with talented conservation illustrator Matt Patterson to create a gopher tortoise license plate design. The Gopher Tortoise Council and Conservation Florida have also provided letters of support for this plate.

Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent Training
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation organization, part of our mission is to share accurate and up-to-date information with environmental professionals who work hands-on with threatened and endangered species. Wildlands Conservation offers Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission-approved training courses that meet the requirements for the Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent permit.