As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation organization, part of our mission is to share accurate and up-to-date information with environmental professionals who work hands-on with threatened and endangered species. Wildlands Conservation offers Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission-approved training courses that meet the requirements for the Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent permit. Our instructors are experts in gopher tortoise biology, permitting, relocation, and research.
Wildlands’ Courses
Gopher Tortoise Ecology & FWC Permitting Guidelines – $450
No authorization provided, but a prerequisite for the following courses.
Gopher Tortoise Survey Techniques for Relocation (Donor) Sites – $1,200
Successful completion results in the authorization to conduct Gopher Tortoise Surveys.
Gopher Tortoise Capture and Release – $450
Successful completion results in the authorization to capture tortoises via Bucket Trap, Live Trap, and Hand Shovel Excavation, and Release of captured tortoises. Transport, holding, and handling of gopher tortoises is also covered in this class, but requires completion of a separate FWC e-Learning course for authorization.
Supervision of Burrow Excavations Using Mechanical Equipment**
Successful completion results in a reduction in experience required from the supervision of 50 burrow excavations and capture of 20 tortoises to 30 burrow excavations and 12 tortoise captures.
**Only taught to small groups in conjunction with a permitted gopher tortoise relocation project.
Please contact for more information.
Gopher Tortoise Marking and Release – $450
Successful completion results in the authorization to Mark and Release tortoises after having marked a minimum of five (5) live gopher tortoises under the supervision of an instructor. Transport, holding, and handling of gopher tortoises is also covered in this class, but requires completion of a separate FWC e-Learning course for authorization.
Recipient Site Permitting and Management – $900
Successful completion results in the authorization to Burrow Scope when conducting gopher tortoise burrow surveys for recipient site permit applications. This course provides a more in-depth review of the advanced requirements for recipient sites according to the most current FWC Gopher Tortoise Permitting Guidelines. NOTE: Authorized agents do not need burrow scoping as a listed activity on their permit when burrow scoping is used to assist with capture efforts after a relocation permit authorizing capture has been approved for FWC.
Combination A
Introductory Authorized Agent Training (GT1000 & GT2000) – $1,500: A four-day course which introduces students to tortoise biology, permitting, and surveys. Successful completion of this course will allow students to conduct surveys as an Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent. Authorized Agents permitted to conduct surveys are unable to apply for gopher tortoise relocation permits without also being approved to conduct at least one authorized capture method.
Combination B
Basic Authorized Agent Training (GT1000, GT2000 & GT3000) – $1,800: A five-day course which covers all of the requirements to become an Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent to conduct surveys, submit permit applications for relocation projects (10 or Fewer Burrow Permits, Conservation Permits, and Disturbed Site Permits only), capture tortoises (using bucket or live traps, or hand shovel excavation), and release captured tortoises.
Combination C
Recipient Site Agent Training (GT1000, GT2000 & GT4000) – $2,250: A five-day course which covers all of the requirements to become an Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent to conduct surveys, burrow scope, and submit permit applications for recipient sites. This course also covers additional details associated with the recipient site permit application and management process, including conducting vegetation surveys according to the most current FWC Gopher Tortoise Permitting Guidelines.
Combination C does not include GT3500 (Gopher Tortoise Marking and Release), which must be conducted separately under an existing FWC-approved permit that authorizes marking of live tortoises. Authorization for marking and release is required (in addition to the activities listed above) for an individual to be the named agent for a recipient site permit.
Combination D
Advanced Authorized Agent Training (GT1000, GT2000, GT3000 & GT4000) – $2,700: A five-day course which covers all of the requirements to become an Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent to conduct surveys, submit permit applications for relocation projects and recipient sites, capture tortoises (using bucket or live traps, or hand shovel excavation), release captured tortoises, and burrow scope.
This course also covers additional details associated with the recipient site permit application and management process, including conducting vegetation surveys according to the most current FWC Gopher Tortoise Permitting Guidelines.
Combination D does not include GT3500 (Gopher Tortoise Marking and Release), which must be conducted separately under an existing FWC-approved permit that authorizes marking of live tortoises. Authorization for marking is required (in addition to the activities listed above) for an individual to be the named agent for a recipient site permit.
Refresher Courses
This training is already included in our GTR300 and GTR400 courses. It is only necessary to take this course when completing it
as a standalone refresher course.
GTR400: Burrow Scoping – $200
Privately-conducted refresher courses may require additional charges to cover travel costs.
Infraction Courses
Infraction classes will be offered on a case-by-case basis. For Non-risk Category infractions that do not put the tortoise at risk, an abbreviated course might be offered that focuses specifically on the FWC permitting guidelines related to the infraction. Such cases are at the discretion of Wildlands Conservation. For any Risk Category I or higher infractions that put the tortoise at risk, students will be required to take the full course (including all field activities) appropriate to the infraction. In all cases, Wildlands Conservation reserves the right to refuse offering an infraction course to an individual.

Continuing Education Units
The Wildlife Society has approved the following Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in Category I of the Certified Wildlife Biologist® Renewal/ Professional Development Certificate Program for the successful completion of the following Wildlands Conservation gopher tortoise authorized agent training courses:
- Ecology and Natural History of Gopher Tortoise: 5 CEUs
- Gopher Tortoise Permitting Process and Guidelines: 5 CEUs
- Gopher Tortoise Survey Techniques: 7 CEUs
- Gopher Tortoise Capture Procedures: 5 CEUs
- Gopher Tortoise Marking and Release: 3 CEUs
- Gopher Tortoise Recipient Site Permitting and Habitat: 9.5 CEUs
- Mechanical Excavation of Gopher Tortoise Burrows: 7.5 CEUs
Participants can count up to 42 CEUs for the full training.
Available Courses and Registration
2025 Course Schedule:
Click on the course dates below to register
1. January 27–31, 2025 (New Port Richey, FL)
2. March 17–21, 2025 (Tampa, FL)
3. May 12–16, 2025 (Hawthorne, FL)
4. October 20–24, 2025 (Tampa, FL)
5. December 1–5, 2025 (New Port Richey, FL)
Additional course dates may be added if necessary to accommodate demand.
Please review the course descriptions carefully, as they are updated frequently.
Private, group, and custom classes are available. Wildlands also provides informational courses (non-authorized agent courses) to organizations interested in learning about gopher tortoise biology and the laws protecting tortoises. Please contact for more information.
* *Please note that the cost of these courses does NOT include the separate $664 mitigation contribution charged by FWC upon submission of the application to become an Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent.
Full Course Descriptions
GT1000 – Gopher Tortoise Ecology and FWC Permitting Guidelines: This course provides the necessary background on gopher tortoise biology and conservation that is critical for understanding the FWC gopher tortoise permitting guidelines and the need for regulations that protect the gopher tortoise. Covered topics for gopher tortoise ecology include evolution of North American tortoises, gopher tortoise habitat requirements and diet, gopher tortoise demography (growth, reproduction, and survival), gopher tortoise conservation needs, and a review of the 2006 FWC gopher tortoise biological status review. The remaining portion of the class provides a thorough review of FWC rules, penalties, and guidelines, including how to determine whether or not a permit is needed, interpreting the 25-foot radius guideline, roles and responsibilities of permittees, authorized agents, and assistants to agents, available permitting options, mitigation contributions, permit applications, and after action reports. This course also introduces students to the FWC Online Permit System.
While no certification is provided after passing this course, a passing grade is a requirement for any individuals wishing to take courses that provide training for specific permitted activities as an Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent. This course is also ideal for individuals who want to learn more about gopher tortoises and their protection measures but do not plan to become Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agents. It is particularly helpful in this capacity for those who work for local governments in permitting and permit review capacities. Individuals who are already Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agents are exempt from this requirement.
GT2000 – Gopher Tortoise Survey Techniques for Relocation (Donor) Sites: This course provides a detailed review of the survey requirements as described in the most current FWC Gopher Tortoise Permitting Guidelines. This course will provide hands-on training for conducting surveys. It will also more thoroughly review the maps necessary for submitting permit applications and introduce GIS and map-making skills necessary for these requirements. Students will have a take-home assignment where they go through the process of generating maps and gopher tortoise population estimates necessary for submitting a permit application.
Students who successfully earn a passing grade in this course will be provided with a letter supporting their application to conduct gopher tortoise surveys as an Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent through FWC.
This course requires proficiency in using computers and mapping software. While we provide detailed instructions that make completion of this course possible for those with little to no mapping experience, we will NOT be providing extensive assistance or technical support related to the mapping assignment portion of the course.
If an individual requires extensive assistance, we can provide one-on-one map-making assistance for an additional fee.
GT3000 – Gopher Tortoise Capture and Release: This course focuses on aspects related to capture of tortoises by bucket trap, live trap, and hand shovel excavation, and measurement and release of tortoises following capture. Lecture material will cover aspects related to supervision of burrow excavation using mechanical equipment, but this class does NOT meet the training requirements for this activity, which requires significantly more one-on-one time to be conducted properly (see GT3100). Students will receive hands-on training in setting both bucket and live traps for the safe and efficient capture of tortoises, conducting hand shovel excavation, measuring tortoises, conducting a cursory health examination, safe handling and transport of tortoises, and releasing gopher tortoises.
Students who successfully earn a passing grade in this course will be provided with a letter supporting their application to conduct gopher tortoise capture by bucket traps, live traps, and hand shovel excavation, and release of gopher tortoises as an Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent through FWC. Completion of the independent FWC e-Learning course on release of gopher tortoises is also required in addition to training for participants to add that activity to their permits.
GT3100 – Supervision of Burrow Excavations Using Mechanical Equipment: This advanced course provides one-on-one training necessary to conduct the excavation of gopher tortoise burrows by directing the use of a backhoe. Because of the risk of harm to gopher tortoises, commensals, and persons assisting with the excavation, these courses will be limited in size, depending on the nature of the relocation project for which the excavation is permitted. A typical course size would consist of one or two individuals, and never more than five students. For courses with more than one participant, only one participant at a time is involved with training in directing the mechanical equipment at each potentially occupied burrows, with the other course participants observing. For each course, the instructor will review the requirements for supervision of burrow excavations in the permitting guidelines. Field activities will consist of the instructor demonstrating the full excavation of two potentially occupied gopher tortoises while directing a backhoe. Then, each student will be required to successfully complete the excavation of four burrows while directing the backhoe with the instructor providing input during the excavation.
Students who successfully earn a passing grade in this course will be provided with a letter certifying completion of this training course. Students will still need to document additional experience directing the mechanical excavation of 30 gopher tortoise burrows with the successful extraction of at least 12 gopher tortoises (with no gopher tortoise injuries or mortalities) to meet the FWC criteria to become permitted for this activity. In addition, participants who are not already authorized for release of tortoises and successfully meet the training requirements of this curriculum will be provided with a letter supporting their application to release gopher tortoises (in conjunction with separate completion of the FWC e-Learning course in release of gopher tortoises).
GT3500 – Gopher Tortoise Marking and Release: This course focuses on aspects related to marking (and release) of tortoises. Lecture material will cover the FWC permitting guidelines with respect to proper marking techniques and release of captured tortoises. In addition, students will receive hands-on training on marking and measuring a minimum of five (5) live tortoises, and in the excavation of starter burrows for tortoise release.
Students who successfully earn a passing grade in this course will be provided with a letter supporting their application to mark gopher tortoises ONLY after having marked a minimum of five (5) live gopher tortoises under the supervision of an instructor. If a sufficient number of live tortoises for marking are unavailable during the scheduled class, students who have successfully passed the classroom portions of this class can schedule private opportunities to complete the hands-on training requirement when additional tortoises are available to be marked under a separate relocation or scientific collecting permit. In addition, participants who are not already authorized for release of tortoises and successfully meet the training requirements of this curriculum will be provided with a letter supporting their application to release gopher tortoises (in conjunction with separate completion of the FWC e-Learning course in release of gopher tortoises).
GT4000 – Recipient Site Permitting and Management: This course provides an in-depth review of the advanced requirements for permitting and operating recipient sites according to the most current FWC Gopher Tortoise Permitting Guidelines. This course will provide hands-on training for assessing the suitability of potential recipient sites, additional gopher tortoise burrow survey requirements for recipient sites (including burrow scoping), vegetation sampling on recipient sites, enclosures for release of relocated tortoises, record keeping, conservation easements, long-term management and monitoring of recipient sites, providing financial assurances, and reporting requirements for recipient sites.
Students who successfully earn a passing grade in this course will be provided with a letter supporting their application to conduct burrow scoping as an Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent through FWC. In addition, participants who are not already authorized for release of tortoises and successfully meet the training requirements of this curriculum will be provided with a letter supporting their application to release gopher tortoises (in conjunction with separate completion of the FWC e-Learning course in release of gopher tortoises).
This course requires proficiency in using computers and mapping software. While we provide detailed instructions that make completion of this course possible for those with little to no mapping experience, we will NOT be providing extensive assistance or technical support related to the mapping assignment portion of the course.
If an individual requires extensive assistance, we can provide one-on-one map-making assistance for an additional fee.

Gopher Tortoise License Plate
Wildlands Conservation is now accepting orders for the specialty gopher tortoise license plate. In order to bring awareness to the plight of the gopher tortoise, we have created this specialty license plate and will use the generated funds for gopher tortoise habitat conservation, habitat management, education, and research. With your help, we can help protect gopher tortoises and their upland habitat.