Wildlands staff are extremely experienced in conducting listed (threatened and endangered) species surveys for both plants and animals throughout Florida. Based on a site’s location and habitat characteristics, our staff can assess which species are likely to occur on a site. We follow the most up-to-date and approved survey methodologies to determine the presence, distribution, and abundance of listed species.
Species we survey for include:

Florida scrub-jay

Southeastern American kestrel

Listed wading birds

Gopher tortoise

Gopher tortoise burrow commensals

Florida sand skink

Blue-tailed mole skink

Crested caracara

Southern fox squirrel

Red-cockaded woodpecker

Eastern Indigo snake

Listed plants

Gopher Tortoise Conservation
Wildlands offers gopher tortoise survey, relocation, and recipient site services. We are committed to ensuring that gopher tortoise work is conducted thoroughly and professionally to protect gopher tortoises and commensal species across the state.