Wildlands Conservation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit land trust committed to protecting Florida’s natural habitats and rural working lands.
Wildlands works with landowners and agencies to identify the most appropriate course of action for any given property; how it should be protected, by what mechanism, how it should be managed, and the long-term management costs and commitments. We have helped ranchers, farmers, conservation-minded private landowners, universities, public land owners, state, and federal agencies to determine and implement the best mechanisms for meeting both the landowner’s financial objectives and protecting the land’s ecological integrity. This often entails facilitating cost-sharing partnerships with federal, state and local land acquisition programs. Additionally, Wildlands is well-adapted to understanding the needs of the agency, municipality, landowner, and the community at large and is experienced in navigating the complexities and issues of land conservation.
Wildlands helps landowners and assists them with determining the various options available to them for preserving their lands in perpetuity. We hold conservation easements for individuals, developments, and conservation banks, and provide easement monitoring and reporting to ensure commitments are being upheld. We also accept land donations with endowments that provide for the long-term management of the site. As a 501(c)(3), there are tax benefits to using a land trust for the donation of lands or easements.
Land We’ve Protected

Conservation and Mitigation Banks
Wildlands partners with private landowners and regulatory agencies to identify lands that are appropriate for conservation and mitigation banks. Our staff are experts at preparing bank permit applications and work to provide creative and innovative conservation strategies for each property that benefit both the landowner and protected species.